CAST Water Safety Foundation
To Prevent Childhood Drowning And Create Stronger Swimmers, Sooner
The CAST Water Safety Foundation is a nonprofit organization focused on expanding access to the Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) method in both Chicago, IL and New Orleans, LA. For over 50 years, ISR has been the method that gives children ages 6 months to 6 years of age the skills and confidence they need to swim, float, and self-rescue. Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death in children ages 1-4. CAST offers scholarships to help offset the cost of ISR swim lessons – with a focus on assisting children of teachers, first responders, nurses, and military families, as well as low-income families and families living with special needs and disabilities. CAST also provides full tuition assistance to instructors who would not otherwise be able to afford the cost of training. Originally attracted to ISR lessons to help keep her young daughters safe in and around the water, Liz Huber founded CAST in order to share this potentially life-saving and positive experience with as many families as possible.
Forest Park, Illinois