Coaching Detroit Forward
Free Writing And Photography Programs For Detroit High School Students
Coaching Detroit Forward (CDF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that coaches Detroit high school students in writing, photography, graphic design, and other creative fields. Award-winning local journalists, authors, communications professionals, photographers, and designers teach students and share their expertise through summer camps, workshops, and after-school programs. Through CDF, students gain mentors who guide them through internships, jobs, and careers. CDF is the nonprofit arm of The Detroit Writing Room, a writing and event space in downtown Detroit where the community can sign up with professional writing, photography, and design coaches. After living in Washington, D.C., and reporting on the vibrant entrepreneurial community in Detroit, Stephanie Steinberg moved back home and founded The Detroit Writing Room and CDF so that she could follow her passion and be a part of Detroit’s comeback.
Detroit, Michigan