Compass To Care
Helping Children With Cancer Travel To Treatment
Compass To Care Childhood Cancer Foundation provides access to life-saving cancer treatment for children with cancer whose parents cannot afford transportation to the hospital. We carry out this mission by scheduling and paying for all travel and lodging to get children to the hospital where they can receive the best cancer care. By taking the travel burdens off a family, they can focus on what is most important, their child. In 1974, Michelle Ernsdorff-May was diagnosed with kidney cancer at 14 months old. With no treatment available near her Iowa home, her parents took her 200 miles to the Mayo Clinic. Michelle founded COMPASS TO CARE in honor of the emotional and financial struggle her parents endured traveling for her cancer treatment for almost two years. COMPASS TO CARE has supported 375 children in 10,018 cancer-related trips for more than 1,467,194 miles traveled to hospitals and 20,766 days of cancer treatment.
Chicago, Illinois
United States