Cycle Forward
Getting Tampons And Sanitary Pads Into The Hands Of Women Who Struggle To Afford Them
A high school junior, Sophie Draluck founded Cycle Forward after learning about women’s lack of access to menstrual hygiene products overseas and in our own country. Cycle Forward’s mission is to both provide feminine hygiene products to women and girls who struggle to – or cannot – afford them and to generate awareness about access, equity and other issues related to menstruation. The nonprofit organization collects monetary donations to fund bulk purchases of tampons and sanitary pads to be distributed directly to women and girls in need through several local charitable partners (homeless shelters, food pantries, etc.). They also collect unopened boxes of tampons and pads. So far, Cycle Forward has donated more than 15,000 tampons and pads to women and girls in need!
Highland Park, Illinois
United States