Do Good Bus

Do Good Bus

Fun Volunteering Opportunities To Connect People, Raise Awareness About Good Causes, And Build Community

The mission of Do Good Bus is to improve the mental health and well-being of the people and communities we serve through meaningful connections and purpose. Our restored 1976 Crown Bus is a transformational vehicle focused on conversation and activism that brings awareness to local causes as people work together to make a difference. On our Do Good Bus RIDES, people ride to a mystery location to participate in a service project related to people, environment, or animals. Our Do Good Bus TALKS bring together thought leaders to spark passionate, emotional conversations about mental health, social justice, and climate action. Our Do Good Bus PLUS program is a high-impact, three-to-six week community service project that connects corporate teams, local organizations, and volunteers to help rebuild and revitalize communities. Our Do Good Bus EXPERIENCES allow people to tap into their mind, body, and soul, as they go on a mystery ride and find themselves in a magical experience like a moonlit hike, a sound bath, or a music jam session. Our goal is to raise awareness for great causes, create community by working together, and make a positive social impact in people’s lives.


Los Angeles, California


United States




(310) 913-3387

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