Male Mogul Initiative

Male Mogul Initiative

Leadership And Entrepreneurship Development For Young Men Of Color

The mission of Male Mogul Initiative (MMI) is to positively transform the way young men live and lead in their communities through leadership and entrepreneurial development. Our program consists of three phases. Phase One is a sixteen-week, social-emotional program in which young men learn our four pillars: Character Development, Academic Excellence, Workforce Enhancement, and Community Empowerment. Phase Two is a twelve-week entrepreneurship program in which our young men develop and create business and community service ideas in order to enhance and empower their entrepreneurial spirit. In Phase Three, the young men apply what they have learned by operating a Male Mogul Store, in which they sell their products. After meeting a promising high school student-athlete who was selling drugs to support his family, former NFL football player Walter Mendenhall founded MMI to inspire young men to realize their full potential, achieve financial freedom, and improve their community.


Chicago, Illinois






(312) 620-5657

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