Pilot Light
Promoting Informed Decision-Making Through Food Education For Students And Investment In Educator Leadership
From pre-kindergarten through high school, Pilot Light ignites curiosity and connection through food education. Pilot Light partners with educators to teach students through and about food in everyday classroom subjects such as math, science, reading, and social studies. This innovative approach makes food relevant and exciting for students and empowers teachers to consistently bring these meaningful connections to their classrooms and communities. Pilot Light's teacher-led model invests in educator professional development so educators are empowered to lead their classrooms' journeys with food education. Through Pilot Light, students experience food and cooking while simultaneously learning about the food system's profound relevance to their daily lives, communities, and futures. These connections empower students to become informed, thoughtful members of the food system and practice food advocacy for a more sustainable future. Started in 2010 by chefs and teachers working together in a single Chicago classroom, Pilot Light has since engaged more than 20,000 students in food education lessons and provided professional development and training for over 250 teachers.
Chicago, Illinois
United States