Congregation Of Every 1
200 SurvivalPaks (Filled With Clothing And Food) To The Homeless Every Month
Since 2013, The Congregation Of Every 1 (COE) has been providing 200 SurvivalPaks to the homeless on the streets of metro Detroit every single month. We pack school-style backpacks with basic supplies needed to live on the streets: warm socks, winter hats, ski gloves, scarves, compact blankets, underwear, along with hand warmers, toiletries, toilet paper, lip balm and lots of non-perishable food items. We don’t focus our efforts on the seven square miles that encompass “downtown Detroit”; instead, we focus on the 130+ square miles of city neighborhoods that are underserved by the existing homeless charities of Detroit. Once a month on a weekend day, our hand-picked delivery team spends 8 – 10 hours driving down alleys, searching in abandoned houses and buildings, looking through dumpsters and under freeway overpasses, and walking through fields, parks and wooded areas in the most desolate areas of metro Detroit. COE is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit where 100% of every donation goes directly toward supplies for the homeless.
Detroit, Michigan