Postsecondary And Career Readiness Programs For Underserved Girls In New Jersey
Yes, M.I.S.S. Inc. empowers young women (ages 14-21) from underserved backgrounds in Northern New Jersey. We provide comprehensive postsecondary and workforce readiness support through targeted education and skill training programs. Our participants primarily come from low-income communities, foster care programs, and underperforming high schools. We achieve our goals by forging strategic partnerships with colleges, trade programs, and prominent corporations. Through initiatives such as college immersion days, worksite visits, job shadows, and professional development workshops, we equip our participants with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities necessary to succeed in higher education and the workforce. Yes, M.I.S.S. Inc. stands for: MOTIVATE girls to reach their full potential; INNOVATE creative thinking by exposing girls to life-changing experiences; SUPPORT every girl’s entire well-being as she journeys through high school and beyond; and SUCCEED by acknowledging every completed goal as a step closer to her version of success.
Englewood, New Jersey
United States