CLOZTALK Nonprofit Partners Are In The News For Plants, Special Needs, And Cancer

Two women sitting on couches on TV talk show set

New York-based NEW YORK SUN WORKS brings hydroponic farming technology into New York City public schools to teach science and sustainability education from kindergarten to 12th grade. Through the hydroponic science labs, students learn about food production and nutrition, water resource management, pollution, biodiversity, and sustainable development, among many other topics. Last month, it was amazing to see the nonprofit’s executive director wearing her CLOZTALK t-shirt as she hit the national airwaves on The Kelly Clarkson Show! Click here to see the interview.


White man on left interviewing a white woman on right

Michigan-based FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE creates friendship in the lives of individuals with special needs and those facing isolation while providing an opportunity to become a contributing member of the community. The nonprofit is founded upon the idea that within each person is a soul; and that soul is equal and worthy of boundless love. Friendship Circle’s programming promotes an inclusive community that values all individuals regardless of the challenges they face. Earlier this year, Civic Center TV talked with one of the featured artists at Friendship Circle’s “Animals, Animals, Animals” art exhibition! Click here to see the interview.


Black woman TV reporter interviewing Asian man

Washington, D.C.-based COLORECTAL CANCER ALLIANCE provides support for colorectal cancer patients, families, caregivers, and survivors; raises awareness about the importance of screening and preventative measures; and funds critical scientific research. Founded by a group of survivors, caregivers, and friends who saw the need to educate the public and provide support to those affected by the disease, the Alliance has grown into a nationwide movement to dramatically impact the way society sees colorectal cancer and to end this disease in our lifetime. WXIX-TV recently interviewed one of the nonprofit’s medical advisors to discuss the disease and advancements in testing. Click here to see the story.

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