Social Impact Listings is a national directory platform of organizations that are having a positive social impact as well as service providers that serve such organizations.
The website also aggregates jobs, events, and announcements in the social impact space. The listed organizations can add job openings, events, blogs, podcasts, videos, announcements, reports, and products on the site.
Similar to our CLOZTALK mission, Social Impact Listings works to build a virtual community with an aim to raise awareness about purpose-driven organizations and accelerate their impact. The platform acts as a catalyst in forging connections that can help the listed organizations amplify their impact by attracting prospective clients, employees, partners, investors, donors, service providers, bloggers, researchers, etc.
It's a source of ideas, support, and resources so that more people and businesses are inspired to align their operations to make positive social impact.
It is FREE to be listed on the website and to post about jobs, events, and announcements. For a limited time, they are also offering free posting of blogs, videos, reports, and other content as well. If you're interested in getting listed, please email their team at