From Paint To Mental Health To Music, Nonprofits Are Raising Awareness Through CLOZTALK Apparel

Woman wearing Project Color Corps black long-sleeve t-shirt and raising up her hands

California-based PROJECT COLOR CORPS (PCC) uses colorful paint and uplifting designs to transform public buildings and community spaces into places of beauty, belonging, and joy. The all-volunteer nonprofit is based on the premise that color is transformational and that our surroundings impact how we feel. PCC collaborates with and teaches community volunteers, students, and professional artists to add color to places like schools, libraries, community centers, and areas of play across California, New York, Chicago, Houston, and Portland. At a recent volunteer paint day, the nonprofit’s founder sported her CLŌZTALK long-sleeve t-shirt, which got a few splashes of color!


Three women wearing Juvenile Protective Association black t-shirts and standing in front of colorful wall

Illinois-based JUVENILE PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION provides community-based mental health care to improve the social and emotional well-being and functioning of vulnerable children so they can reach their full potential at home, in school, and in our communities. Almost all the children served live in under-resourced neighborhoods and have experienced at least one trauma in their lifetimes, including violence, abuse, poverty, or neglect. In their CLŌZTALK t-shirts, these team members look on-brand and professional!


Man wearing Give A Note Foundation black t-shirt and smiling at camera

Indiana-based GIVE A NOTE FOUNDATION fosters innovative and culturally relevant music education in underserved communities across the country. By raising awareness and providing grants, the nonprofit’s mission is to engage and empower educators, inspire students, and expand the reach and impact of music education in K-12 public schools. In New York, this proud supporter rocks his CLŌZTALK t-shirt to spread the good word about Give A Note!

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